Value Chain Analysis of Sugar beet in Egypt: with a focus on the production of refined sugar

نوع المستند : أبحاث علمیة متخصصة فی الاقتصاد الزراعی


1 Food Technology Research Institute, R.R.C

2 Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University

3 Head Researcher, Food Technology Research .Institute, R.R.C

4 Lecturer , Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University


sugar beet crop is one of the most Egyptian significant commercial crops for sugar production, representing around 62.1 percent of total sugar crop production. The current work adopts "value chain analysis" to understand the marketing system in its totality and to help decision-maker. The ties between the different phases of the value chain are governed by agreements and written contracts. Quantitative information was collected through consulting published statistics and administering a survey questionnaire within the period (2016–2020).
The findings point out that, despite the significant improvement in sugar beet productivity, it is still insufficient to meet the increasing population growth coupled with the decrease in the cultivated area. Additionally, the potential to add value at the farmer level is challenged due to the significant rise in production costs compared to revenue received at the farm gate. From the short review above, key findings emerge: the highest added value was the share of the producer (33.4 percent), followed by the factory (12.4 percent), packing companies (7.46 percent), and retailers (5.3 percent), and then the wholesaler (5 percent). The more value an actor can add to a product for a given primary and intermediate cost configuration, the greater its profitability. To improve the chain performance, the study recommends the following: developing new varieties, improving farming practices, increasing investment in processing and marketing, improving value chain coordination and encouraging collaboration among stakeholders. Further work is certainly required to explore the complete value chain including by-products as well as assessing its environmental repercussions.

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