The Economic Impacts of Foot and Mouth Disease-on Livestock in Egypt “A Case Study of Assuit Governorate”

نوع المستند : أبحاث علمیة متخصصة فی الاقتصاد الزراعی


قسم الاقتصاد الزراعي. کلية الزراعة. جامعة الأزهر. اسيوط


The problem of trans boundary animal diseases (TADS), especially foot-and-mouth disease, is one of the most important problems facing farm owners in Assiut Governorate - Egypt, and it directly affects livestock production. The sample was divided into three holding categories, the first holding category (less than 5 heads), the second holding category (5 and less than 10 heads), and the third holding category (more than 10 heads), and it was found from the research that the infection rate is due to fever disease Thrush is higher in the third category and lowest in the first category, where the rate of infection ranged between 85% to 50%, and the death rate in the first holding category was the highest by about 5% of the animals, and the first category was the lowest by about 3% of the animals. Education has a great importance and impact in limiting the spread of the disease, as it was found from the study that the rate of infection and death was low the higher the levels of education, and in Assiut Governorate, the disease caused direct losses, including the death of animals, which reached its maximum extent (for cows and buffaloes) and ( sheep and goats) in the years 2018 and 2019, by about 22 and 24 heads, respectively, and there is a statistically significant increase in the value of the volume of losses, which was estimated at 15,328 thousand pounds annually,

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