Using the geographica information systems and remote sensing to select the optimal cropping pattern in the new lands in Fayoum Government.

نوع المستند : أبحاث علمیة متخصصة فی الاقتصاد الزراعی


1 Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University

2 Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt


Development plans in Egypt mainly aim at increasing the area of agricultural land, which is a development goal in order to compensate for the loss of agricultural lands that have been lost, whether through deterioration or encroachment, in order to control bridging the gap between food production and consumption. The research problem focuses on the lack of optimal exploitation of the new lands in the Fayoum Governorate according to a strategic plan that includes the development of the most suitable crop installation, the net yield and the civil water requirements, as about (29.16) thousand feddans have been reclaimed in the new lands in the Fayoum desert, where this area is exploited away from taking into account The resources available without a strategic development plan for the advancement of agricultural lands in order to compensate for the loss of old lands and increase the national and local income at the governorate level. The research aims to analyze the situation in the new lands in terms of identifying the newly reclaimed areas in the new lands in Fayoum Governorate, identifying the crops suitable for cultivation and studying the available resources with the aim of developing a development plan that includes cropping System that matches most of the net yield and civil water requirements according to a sound scientific study. In the study, remote sensing technology and geographic information systems were used to obtain satellite images, which were analyzed to reach land cover spatial (GIS) maps.

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