An economic study for analyzing the current situation of livestock fodders in Egypt

نوع المستند : أبحاث علمیة متخصصة فی الاقتصاد الزراعی


زراعة القاهرة


The current situation of fodder in Egypt in terms of needs, production and imports was analyzed. Results found that there is a surplus of green fodder estimated at 27.22 million ton, while there is a deficit in concentrated fodder estimated at 3.162 million ton, in addition to a deficit in straw estimated at 1.690 million ton. Moreover, findings showed that the actual production of the livestock fodder factories decreased from 1.285 million ton in 2003 to 1.269 million ton in 2020, where the operating percentage represents 23% of the total capacity of these factories. In addition to Egypt dependence on a limited number of countries (USA, Argentina, and Brazil) for obtaining its imports from fodder and the utilization of these countries for both corn and soybean in the production of biofuels. Therefore, it is recommended to search for new countries to import fodder grains and motivate agricultural producers to expand the cultivation of yellow corn and soybean

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