التحليل الاقتصادى لمساهمة القطاع الزراعى فى التنميه الاقتصادية المصرية

نوع المستند : أبحاث علمیة متخصصة فی الاقتصاد الزراعی


مركز البحوث الزراعية


Agriculture contributes to development through its contribution to a significant percentage of national income, and this percentage varies from year to year, as agriculture contributes about 17.8% of the average value of GDP and about 6.1% of the average value of total investments in Egypt during the period (2000-2022) in addition to providing agricultural raw materials necessary for many manufacturing industries, as well as its role in commodity exports and contributing to the creation of new job opportunities, but the leading role of agriculture in development The economy decreases with the passage of time. The results of the double logarithmic model indicate a statistically significant positive relationship at the probability level of 0.05 between each of the total income from the agricultural sector as a dependent variable, the total agricultural employment, agricultural investment, cultivated area, the average annual wage of the agricultural worker, the productivity of the agricultural worker, the deficit in the trade balance, and the total delayed income of the agricultural sector as variables, which amounted to about 0.437, 0.087, 0.172.073, 0.740, 0.085, 0.436, respectively, that a change of 10% in these variables leads to a change in the same trend in total income. of the agricultural sector is about 4.37%, 0.87%, 0.73%, 1.72%, 7.40%, 0.85%, and 4.36% respectively during the study period. The total elasticity of this function was about 2.030, which means that increasing these variables combined by 10% leads to an increase in income for the agricultural sector by 20.30%.

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