تحليل العوامل الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية المؤثرة على الفقر والتعرف على الاثار الاجتماعية الناتجة عنه (ثم اجراء الدراسة على عينة من مدينة طرابلس )

نوع المستند : أبحاث علمیة متخصصة فی الاقتصاد الزراعی


1 ;الهيئة العامة للبحث العلمي طرابلس, ليبيا

2 عضو هيئة تدريس جامعة سبها قسم الاقتصاد الزراعي, ليبيا


The phenomenon of poverty is considered one of the phenomena that most contemporary societies suffer from, if ancient religions and philosophies try to find a solution to this problem, and with the exacerbation of the problem and the increase in its spread in our current time, it has become a problem that threatens economic, social and security stability. Therefore, it has become necessary to describe the problem and find solutions to it, as many studies indicate that one fifth of the world’s population can be classified as poor if variables other than per capita income are taken into account, such as the inability to buy a house or the inability to continue education, get married, and other factors. Variables. In Libya, we find that the problem of poverty has multiple dimensions and has become more widespread after the decline in the value of the local currency, the rise in the prices of various commodities, and the state’s dependence on a single resource, which has made it difficult to find a comprehensive solution to the phenomenon of multi-dimensional poverty and its economic and social effects.

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